Genetic Variability of Surfactant Protein-B and Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Clinical Implications. MedGenMed 1(3), 1999 [formerly published in Medscape Pulmonary Medicine eJournal 3(2), 1999].
The genes involved in these disorders code for pulmonary surfactant production and include surfactant protein B (SP-B) (SFTPB, gene encoding SP-B), surfactant protein C (SP-C) (SFTPC, gene encoding SP ...
a Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College School of Medicine at the National Heart & Lung Institute, London SW3 6NP, UK, b MRC Immunochemistry Unit ... The presence of an antagonist for the ...
Scientists have developed a new lung surfactant that is produced synthetically rather than relying on the use of animal ...
AIM To determine if pulmonary haemorrhage after surfactant treatment increases short and long term morbidity and mortality in neonates weighing <1500 g at birth. METHODS Neonates weighing <1500 g at ...
Schematic of SP-B, SP-C, and ABCA3 protein localization in an alveolar type II cell. 1) ABCA3 transports phospholipids into lamellar bodies; SP-B and SP-C provide support during surfactant assembly ..
Sandra L Leibel, Rachael N McVicar, Rabi Murad, Elizabeth M Kwong, Alex E Clark, Asuka Alvarado, Bethany A Grimmig, Ruslan Nuryyev, Randee E Young, Jamie C Lee, Weiqi Peng, Yanfang P Zhu, Eric Griffis ...
We report a case of surfactant dysfunction ... diffuse developmental lung diseases especially surfactant dysfunction syndromes. Exome sequencing detected a heterozygous missense variation in exon 21 ... By lowering surface tension at the air-water interface in the surfactant deficient premature lung, exogenous surfactant replacement therapy for neonatal respiratory distress ...
Methods: In 226 healthy children, serum surfactant associated proteins A and B (SP-A and SP-B), 16 kDa Clara cell protein (CC16), and IgE were measured. Lung specific proteins were measured in the ...
along with Krebs von den Lungen-6 and surfactant protein-D assessment, is necessary for the prevention of extensive pneumonitis. If possible, histology from lung biopsy also helps to improve treatment ...