Policie - jak ukazuje dokument z vyšetřování - se v kauze Motol bála prozrazení. Raději si ani předem nezjišťovala, ve které ...
Právě zapojení médií do trestních procesů je něco, s čím má každý z trojice advokátů bohaté zkušenosti. Petr Toman tyto vlivy nevnímá úplně pozitivně – podle něj má mediální pokrytí u některých kauz ...
Peter Phillips, born in November 1977, is the eldest son of the Princess Royal and her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips. His younger sister is Zara Tindall. Peter shares two children, Savannah ...
Zemřela Michelle Trachtenberg ze seriálu Buffy, přemožitelka upírů. Bylo jí 39 let Podleská specialita, která dobyla celé Polsko. Když ji podáte k obedu, všichni si pochutnaji Čína ...
However, Cejudo says if he doesn’t get the rematch with Yadong which he wants, he wants to face Petr Yan. “I would love to get Petr Yan if we don’t run it back with Song,” Cejudo said to Michael ...
Peter Windsor, speaking on his YouTube channel, noted Piastri’s recent change in technique and how it could be detrimental to his success going forward. Windsor was asked about Piastri’s team ...
Na Staroměstském náměstí vystoupil se svým projevem i prezident Petr Pavel. Pozastavil se nad událostmi a výroky posledních dní a zdůraznil, že agresor je jasný - Putinovo Rusko. Ukrajinci se naopak ...
Former Doctor Who star Peter Capaldi fronted a band in Glasgow in the late 70s and early 80s before finding fame as an actor You would think the star of Doctor Who and The Devil's Hour would be ...
Well-known actor Peter Jason, 80, passed away on February 20, 2025. He was active in the entertainment industry for over fifty years and was known for appearing as a soccer coach in the martial ...
Prolific character actor and Karate Kid star Peter Jason has died at 80. Jason’s death was reported on Thursday by some of his former colleagues, including Halloween director John Carpenter and ...