Consumers will pay a refundable deposit which they can claim back when the containers are returned to designated return points. It aims to see 70% (rising to 90% in 2030) returned. With this new ...
The TFSA holder could be entitled to a refund of the 50% tax on non-qualified investments or prohibited investments if the investment was disposed of, or ceased to be a non-qualified or prohibited ...
The company gave her family a $10,000 refund for their hotel stay plus $1,500 in travel credit for future. Schigol said that's much better than the $200 and $500 the resort offered her before her ...
The bill would add a refundable 10-cent deposit to the price of beverage containers sold in D.C. stores and create a system for people to return empty bottles and cans to get the deposit back.
All cash deposits must be hand-delivered to UBF during business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. UBF is closed for university holidays. Checks, money orders, cash and charges can ...
we require that you submit a copy of your official UB Card with your direct deposit request form. Include a Voided Check or Written Verification A voided check or written verification from the ...
Conclusion: Refund ... them in the form of EDD, on his own. However, the authorities only finalized the provisional assessment approving the duty already paid by them but did not cancel the bond ...