Nassau County was established in 1899 and Bronx County was founded in ... The names of all 62 of New York’s counties are now represented. "This moment represents strength for the community ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
Gov. Roosevelt believes that the measure pending in the Legislature, providing for an increase in the salaries of the teachers of the public school system of New York City, is a violation of the ...
The play is based on a true story and offers a history lesson about the 1899 newsboy strike in New York City. The production features a large cast and complex choreography, making it a challenging and ...
Young Edward attended school in New Jersey and New York, but dropped out at age 14 ... The expedition that carried his name set sail on May 31, 1899. Once underway, Harriman let it be known ...
As a boy, he attended school in John James Audubon's mansion in Assigning, New York, near the Grinnell family home. In fact, George and his brothers and sisters knew the Audubon family well ...