Scientists have perfected the recipe to convert giant panda skin cells into stem cells to study the animal’s biology and aid ...
Interested in the spatial research landscape, technological breakthroughs and future directions? Check out this interview ...
This RING-Bait gene therapy also cleared tau tangles in mouse brains, and treated mice were able to walk ... He also plans to ...
Immunotherapy can remove extracellular amyloid plaques from Alzheimer’s brain, but has so far failed to clear intracellular tau tangles. Now, two papers propose a solution: tagging them for ...
This article examines how next-generation sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies are being combined to ...
Enter the spiny mouse. Kelly first heard about these quirky rodents through a chance conversation with Ashley Seifert, a biology professor at the University of Kentucky and a co-author of the current ...
Researchers develop synthetic antibody that, when combined with common lung cancer drug, prevents relapse of adenocarcinoma ...
This Peninsula biotech company started as a way to find a cancer drug for a co-founder's father. It now layoffs show it’s ...
Scientists say they've used a common food dye to render the skin of a mouse transparent, revealing the workings of blood ...
Studying human embryonic development is complicated for several reasons. Models derived from pluripotent stem cells ...
Researchers at West Virginia University are advancing pancreatic cancer treatment by targeting a specific enzyme, ...