"Lucca's World" is a Mexican movie directed by Mariana Chenillo starring Bárbara Mori, Julián Aguilar Tello, and Juan Pablo Medina.
A monumental 1930s mural painted by Philip Guston and Reuben Kadish will go back on public view in the Mexican city of ...
An era-appropriate melody plays as photographs move slowly across the screen and a voice reads heartfelt letters written ...
Netflix is adding documentaries about the Manson murders, Osama bin Laden, Hurricane Katrina and the Titan submersible in 2025.
Netflix's 2025 documentary slate includes a study of Eddie Murphy, Errol Morris on the Manson family murders and the 2023 ...
Palestinian-Texan comedian Mohammed "Mo" Amer spoke about Season 2 of his eponymous series, depicting the U.S. immigration system and the Israel-Hamas war.