The comings and goings at Greenland’s new international airport in its capital Nuuk look a bit different of late, as journalists like me come here to see what all the fuss is about. The fuss ...
The militarization of Greenland and the wider Arctic region may push Russia and China closer together. The Russia-U.S. relationship (or lack thereof) has long dominated Arctic geopolitics.
Naleraq, the most prominent political voice for Greenland's independence, is campaigning to invoke an article in a 2009 law that granted Greenland increased autonomy, including the right to ...
With Donald Trump's vow to take charge of Greenland putting the status of the autonomous Danish territory in the spotlight, a controversial parenting test has become emblematic of the tensions ...
Salah satu wisata di Kulon Progo ada Ekowisata Sungai Mudal, masih satu kawasan dengan Pegunungan Menoreh. Tepatnya di Dusun Banyunganti, Desa Jatimulyo, Kecamatan Girimulyo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, ...
How far might he take his desire to buy Greenland? Mr Trump cites China as a justification for acquiring this autonomous territory of Denmark. And his insistence - to the point that a recent phone ...
Nato countries discussed deploying troops to Greenland in response to Donald Trump threatening to use the US military to seize the Danish island. Germany was among dozens of European allies ...
CANADA becomes the 51st state of the US. Then America retakes control of the Panama Canal. The United States also purchases the icy island of Greenland which would become an American territory. And ...
PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH ILEGAL - Kondisi area yang sebelumnya digunakan untuk menimbun dan mengolah sampah di Padukuhan Sawahan, Kalurahan Banaran, Kapanewon Galur, Kulon Progo, Senin (10/02/2025).
In Greenland they call him 'Trump's son.' Hear what this resident wants from the US ...