These artefacts are "royal treasures", an early title card in Mati Diop's documentary Dahomey informs us, that were pilfered from the kingdom of Dahomey by French colonisers in an 1892 invasion.
Naiste põhiklassis tuli esimeseks Adeele Kontus ja talle järgnesid Liisa Gritšenko ja Marina Jasson. Meeste esikolmiku moodustasid Andres Kaaver, Kert Järva ja Meiko Jeena.
Growing up in Mati City, Annilov is particularly driven to put his hometown on the map in the music and arts scene. He envisions a future where local artists receive more recognition and opportunities ...
NEW MATI AIRPORT. The Department of Transportation leads the foundation-laying ceremony Monday (Feb. 17, 2025) for the New Mati City Airport in Mati City, Davao Oriental province. The airport is ...