When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Finding the perfect Mini LED TV for you can feel like a mammoth task. We've seen our fair share ...
LED light wands, or light sticks, provide an effective (and relatively affordable) alternative to a photographer’s flashgun or a videomaker’s stand-mounted lamp. You don’t need to sync a light wand ...
Have you ever bought a new LED bulb that promises to last for years and years, only to find it burns out within a year or so, just like a poor-quality incandescent? You're not alone -- and it's ...
Anggota Kodim 1627 Rote Ndao, Pratu AT, ditemukan tewas gantung diri di Kelurahan Mokdale, Kecamatan Lobalain, Kabupaten Rote Ndao, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). AT nekat mengakhiri hidupnya diduga ...
Personel polisi di Polres Dairi, Bripda F ditemukan tewas gantung diri di ruangan kerjanya. Penemuan korban itu membuat heboh. Kabid Humas Polda Sumut Kombes Hadi Wahyudi menyebut Bripda F ditemukan ...
SINGAPORE – Some car drivers who got into the festive spirit during the Christmas season ended up on the wrong side of the law by dressing up their vehicles with fairy lights. In a Facebook post ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT – Lampu LED motor kini semakin diminati oleh para pengendara karena keunggulannya dibandingkan jenis lampu lainnya, seperti lampu pijar atau neon. Selain menawarkan pencahayaan yang ...
Kejadian pertama, anggota TNI yang berdinas di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) ditemukan tak bernyawa usai gantung diri. Prajurit berinisial AT itu ditemukan tewas gantung diri di pohon asam dekat ...
A quarter of Gen Z adults – aged 18 to 27 – said they would not change a light bulb themselves because using a stepladder could be dangerous, while one in five fear the bulb could be “too ...
TNI dan polisi mengevakuasi jenasah Pratu Andi Tambaru yang tewas gantung diri di dekat gerbang Bandara DC Saudale, Kabupaten Rote Ndao, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Minggu (12/1) pagi.(Humas Polres ...
KUPANG, KOMPAS.com - Komandan Resor Militer (Danrem) 161 Wira Sakti Kupang Brigadir Jenderal TNI Joao Xavier Barreto Nunes menyebut, anggota Komando Distrik Militer (Kodim) 1627 Rote Ndao, Prajurit ...
KUPANG, KOMPAS.com - Aparat Kepolisian Sektor Maulafa, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), mengungkap penyebab Saputra Umbu Tagela (20), mahasiswa salah satu sekolah tinggi di Kota Kupang, tewas ...