In the aftermath of the success of his recent blockbuster Fighter, Hrithik Roshan has opened up about the eagerly awaited fourth installment, Krrish 4. The iconic face of the Krrish franchise provided ...
Years after defeating Kaal, When an ancient artefact grants Krrish the power of time travel, he must navigate through different eras to save humanity from a malevolent force that threatens to ...
Krrish 4 is one of the most anticipated films in Bollywood. The Hrithik Roshan starrer has been in development for quite a few years but has still not gone on the floors. The makers have already ...
A perfect way of continuing from where the first part ended. Krrish 4 will be shot in Mumbai and some parts of Europe. The previous films had been directed by Rakesh Roshan, however, he's ...