TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A baby sea lion toting an artificial kelp strip was filmed performing intricate rhythmic ...
Composer and performer Cheryl E. Leonard discovers the music hidden within rocks, ice, shells and even seaweed, amplifying or ...
It is a world cut off from our own by thick blankets of floating ice, but some scientists are taking the plunge to learn how ...
The rich resources of Pacific kelp forests helped humans populate the Americas. Now depleted by as much as 95 percent, they ...
The melting of glaciers leads to the accumulation of heavy metals in the coastal regions. This affects the kelp-brown macroalgae- as it will lead to the accumulation of heavy metals, which can disrupt ...
Arctic kelp absorbs metals from melting glaciers, increasing mercury levels by 72%. This could harm marine life and fisheries ...
Researchers say slowdown of ACC may allow invasive species to reach Antarctica, threatening fragile food webs and species ...
The current helps to keep warm water at bay, protecting vulnerable ice sheets. It also acts as a barrier to invasive species ...
The study, published in Environmental Research Letters, predicts that by 2050, the ACC could be moving 20 per cent slower ...
Antarctica's remote and mysterious current has a profound influence on the climate, food systems and Antarctic ecosystems.
Scientists warn that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is slowing down due to climate change. This could lead to sea level ...