This month’s Academy Awards were apparently so dull that the main cause of raised eyebrows was Miley Cyrus’s bleached ...
It’s one way President Donald Trump tries to control current events – by redefining what happened and then reiterating his incorrect version. A recent example: his false claim that Ukraine was ...
What will it take for all of the MAGA supporting Americans to finally own the fact that they have elected a traitor? For the rest of my life, I will ...
The announced telephone conversation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has finally taken place. It seems to me that he ...
Say what you will about Joseph Goebbels, the Third Reich’s Minister of Propaganda: the man lied for a living, and he knew one heck of a lot about lying. Before committing suicide in Berlin in 1945, he ...
Absolute evil was ultimately thrown into the trash heap of history. And in Goebbels’ mansion? Hundreds of Jewish American ...
L'événement dédié au cinéma autrichien ne craint pas les sujets durs mais pertinents et reste un excellent sismographe des ...
The year was 1938. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party had just annexed Austria. Humanity held its breath as the world teetered ...
Sometimes, even in what seems like the madness of our era, there may be an underlying system. But whether understanding it ...
In February 1933, the future Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring sent out telegrams to 25 of Weimar Germany’s leading businessmen, ...
Multiple people have given stiff-arm salutes after Elon Musk did it twice on Inauguration Day. Many claim it was a joke but ...