Hayao Miyazaki's 1997 classic to get a 4K restoration screening in North American IMAX theatres starting March 2025.
Amongst the numerous Hayao Miyazaki films, only one deserves the Academy Awards more than The Boy and the Heron.
Wilmington artist Hiroshi Sueyoshi, whose soulful sculptures and sublime ceramic pieces made him revered on the Port City's ...
An exhibition has opened at 21_21 Design Sight in Tokyo revealing the craft history behind the Japanese ramen bowl. The Art ...
Surman renders animals in a manner that reflects our tendency to ascribe human emotion and feeling to other species.
There are anime movies out there that have won some pretty great awards, and some of them have even won some prestigious ...
In the late 1970s, Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama began a series of paintings called Sexy Robot, which later became the most ...