There are anime movies out there that have won some pretty great awards, and some of them have even won some prestigious ...
The idiosyncratic Memoir of a Snail took Adam Elliot back to the Oscars just over two decades after he won best animated ...
Come springtime, colors will pop all over Bainbridge Island, including on Winslow Way.
From captivating leading roles in movies serving romantic sparks, post-apocalyptic battles for survival and a dose of ...
Enjoy D.C.'s cherry blossom season at one of the city's luxury hotels, with bespoke packages that feature opulent suites, ...
Hayao Miyazaki's 1997 classic to get a 4K restoration screening in North American IMAX theatres starting March 2025.
In the late 1970s, Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama began a series of paintings called Sexy Robot, which later became the most ...
Wilmington artist Hiroshi Sueyoshi, whose soulful sculptures and sublime ceramic pieces made him revered on the Port City's ...
Witches, serenity and loneliness are recurring themes in her work, and she’s greatly inspired by Studio Ghibli's Hayao ...
Masae is a Japanese-Canadian artist inspired by nature and personal experiences. She enjoys creating art that tells heartfelt ...
“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in his 1943 novella The Little Prince, a ...