You know, ‘It’s Friday Night.’ Lots of little short-isms.” The producer said that initially there was some concern that “TGIF” was too close to the name of the restaurant chain TGI ...
You know, 'It's Friday Night.' Lots of little short-isms." Though there were concerns over the use of "TGIF" bothering the restaurant chain TGI Friday's, network executives decided to go with it ...
You know, ‘It’s Friday Night.’ Lots of little short-isms.” Janicek went on: “I don’t recall exactly where [‘TGIF’] came from. That was on our list!” Janicek remembered ABC being ...
You know, 'It's Friday Night.' Lots of little short 'isms.' And wouldn't you know it, in came future Disney boss Bob Iger and fellow exec Stu Brower, who more formally pitched the idea for TGIF as ...
You know, 'It's Friday Night.' Lots of little short-isms." Janicek said TGIF was on the network's list of ideas, but they were worried about the restaurant chain of the same name giving them problems.
The programming block aired on ABC from the late ‘80s to the early 2000s. At its peak, the “TGIF” programming block included a slew of iconic shows, such as “Boy Meets World,” “Family ...
ABC‘s TGIF programming block had viewers hoping for Friday nights to watch their favorite sitcom. Over the years, many people believed the acronym stood for “Thank God It’s Friday.” ...