Ackerman v. Pink asks how much of a written history can be claimed as proprietary by the author of that history. The answer: ...
ShareTUNDE OYESINA writes that lawyers have called for the immediate enactment and implementation of protective legislations ...
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this ...
Reluctance to speak out can lead to the normalization of rhetoric and policies that undermine democratic values, social cohesion, and fundamental human rights ... respect and dignity in dialogue ...
The mass uprising of July-August 2024 has not only shaken Bangladesh's internal political structure but also brought a monumental shift in its foreign policy and diplomatic approach. One ...
It was mostly about asserting the people’s right to dignity and freedom. The world watched in awe as tanks were stopped not by force but by prayers, flowers, and the collective will of a nation.
ORLANDO—About 80 people jockeyed for position behind security ropes in a hotel hallway last week. On the other side was a table stacked with snacks: Milka chocolate eggs, Oreo muffins, Tate’s ...
The Alternative Right, commonly known as the “alt-right,” is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces ...
The makers of generative AI (GenAI), such as ChatGPT, just lost the first legal battle in the war over whether they commit copyright infringement by using the material of others as training data ...
Amicus curiae Dr. Arul George Scaria on Friday told the Delhi High Court that it has the jurisdiction to hear the copyright infringement suit filed by Asian News International (ANI) against OpenAI ...
Justice Satapathy further held that though it is true that what extent of time would be considered as an infringement of right to speedy trial has not been defined in any statute, but detention ...