Bile is a body fluid produced by the liver that has a digestive and an excretion function. Bile could collect disease biomarkers released from the biliary tract or surrounding tissues, such as the ...
By identifying new bile acid metabolites, we are piecing together how these compounds interact with various cellular systems, including the gut microbiome, to affect human health and disease. This ...
The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria that play vital roles in digestion, immunity, and overall health. When this ...
Using the improved technique, McCurry found that certain glucocorticoids are more abundant in human bile than others. The authors were most intrigued by a group of glucocorticoids that that could be ...
A research team has made further progress in the treatment of intestinal inflammation. A study shows that the semi-synthetic bile acid NorUDCA inhibits in the intestine the formation of ...
Chenodiol -- a naturally occurring human bile acid also known as chenodeoxycholic acid -- is the first FDA-approved drug indicated for the rare lipid storage disease and autosomal recessive ...
A research team from the Medical University of Vienna has made further progress in the treatment of intestinal inflammation.
The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria that play vital ... One of the hallmarks of UC is a deficiency in certain bile acids, molecules that help digest fats and regulate gut health. These ...
Analysis of human fetal gallbladder bile provides a more direct assessment of primary hepatic synthesis in utero, but only limited studies have been described. Using HPLC, GLC and mass ...
"Bile acids are produced in the liver and help ... Importantly, BA-MCYs were also detected in human blood samples, indicating that the same mechanism also operates in people.
Bile acids were first described chemically in ... In this next project, we hope to determine how MCBAs are made and how they affect the human gut. The project has three dimensions.