Obsidian has just posted the patch notes for Avowed version 1.3.0. which will give more skill points, allow full controller remapping, and a lot more.avowed patchPatch 1.3.0 adds lots oWoA big ‘ole ...
Awekeys' Viking-themed distressed copper keycaps offer a next-level typing experience – and next-level pricing if you don't ...
Er ofurlaunafólk á borð Heiðu Björg Hilmisdóttur og Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson að valda víðtækum heimabankakvíða í samfélaginu?
Enginn innan ríkisstjórnarinnar virðist hlusta á Dag B. Eggertsson sem vill þjóðaratkvæði um aðildarviðræður hið fyrsta.
The first metal thingamajig ever 3D printed in space has landed on Earth, where European Space Agency (ESA) scientists are now studying it to see what makes it tick. In a press release, the ESA ...
A research team from ELLIS Institute Tübingen, the University of Maryland, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has developed a language model called "Huginn" that can deepen its reasoning ...
We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn More › Anyone who has been caught in a rainstorm, had their inseam rip as they sat on a rock ...
Researchers from ELLIS Institute Tübingen, Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen AI Center, University of Maryland, College Park, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have ...
Tölur í töflunni miðast við skráð aflamark skipa sem gerð eru út af fyrirtækinu. Um er að ræða núverandi aflamark, þ.e. úthlutun í upphafi fiskveiðiárs auk bóta og leigukvóta. Ekki er tekið tillit til ...