Less than a year after USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it was nixing a major cattle ...
The Mexican drug cartels might be smuggling narcotics into the U.S. inside cattle, according to a number of sources.
The USDA’s latest Cattle on Feed numbers had placements down 18 percent in its latest report. Mississippi State University ...
This week's factory quotes have seen prices move up once again with the top-end of the trade seeing 'all-in' prices edge ...
Exceptional demand for beef has led to an increase in the number of buyers at Scottish livestock markets, as processors look ...
For U8J Cattle Co, supporting the World Angus Forum is vital for several reasons. First and foremost, it serves as a platform ...
The USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service has announced it will reinstate several previously suspended reports and programs, ...
Live cattle futures failed to hold the early strength on Monday, with contracts down 30 cents to $1.05 on the day. Cash trade was on the move late last week, up $7-8 to $210 in th ...
Father-son duo sort through a large Hereford competition during Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
All sides agree problems will persist as long as ranch and gray wolf territories in California overlap. What's the solution?
An Aberdeen Angus cross heifer from Messrs Weir, Cortleferry, topped Harrison and Hetherington 's show and sale of native cattle when selling at £2650. Bullocks reached £2500 for an Aberdeen Angus ...
Exceptional demand for beef has led to an increase in the number of buyers at Scottish livestock markets, as processors look to secure greater numbers of prime cattle. Heifers have climbed to ...