Arête Glacier Initiative has raised $5 million to improve sea-level rise forecasts and explore the possibility of refreezing ...
Unseen mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers lie under Antarctica’s mile-thick ice sheet. Changes to those hidden rivers ...
At 5 100 meters above sea level, the air around Bolivia's Huayna Potosí glacier is thin, brittle with altitude. The wind ...
You don't have to go out and buy your own chocolate sauce if you want to add some drizzle to your favorite snacks. Just rely ...
Preliminary estimates put the current long-term average increase at between 1.34-1.41C, closing in on but not yet exceeding ...
When mountain permafrost thaws and glaciers melt, glacial lakes can become lethal flood risks for anyone downstream.
Each of the past eight years has set a new record for ocean heat and ice cover is shrinking to new lows, the State of the ...
A World Meteorological Organization report details a long list of grim records for everything from CO2 levels and temperature ...
Climate change is spiralling out of control, with many of the consequences now 'irreversible', a damning report from the ...
An audacious NASA mission suggests that dust blown north from Greenland couldhelp explain why Arctic ice is melting even ...
Sea levels surged in 2024, rising faster than expected due to warming oceans. Unlike previous years, where melting ice ...
NASA data shows global sea levels are rising faster than expected. Most of the rise in 2024 came from ocean warming, not ...