Experience the true spirit of interfaith unity at the Gurudwara iftar in Dubai, where over 250 people from diverse ...
Teguh Islean Septura groans in pain as each staccato rat-a-tat-tat of the laser fires an intense beam at the elaborate ...
A judge has issued the maximum sentences for two parents that forced their five children to work hard labor and were treated like 'slaves.' ...
History Channel star Rick Harrison is trying to ‘enjoy life’ one year after his son Adam died from a fentanyl overdose ...
Ahead of his Fort Worth show, Myers spoke by phone with the Star-Telegram about his musical inspirations, growing up on a ...
The reality star opened up about grieving the loss of his son Adam following his death from a drug overdose in January 2024 ...
Pope Francis has gifted the Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to him by former U.S. President Joe Biden to the ...
JESUS FREAKS TV creators Ally Yost and Ashley Hetherington want to share “the love of Jesus” with their viewers.
Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” helps me understand my own complicated relationship with Catholicism and sexuality.
Since the beginning of cinema, actors have played opposite themselves — our film critic picks some highlights.
We spoke with the author and former Christian camp true believer about her forthcoming book Church Camp: Bad Skits, Cry Night ...