Despite its chest-beating rhetoric, President Trump’s regime is actually brittle and fated for ineffectiveness, collapse or both. Americans may be startled by the all-encompassing nature of the ...
The stated goal of this second iteration of maximum pressure is to reduce Iran’s energy exports to zero and ultimately compel the regime to enter into what President Trump has called a ...
The benefit of the Rs 75,000 standard deduction under the new tax regime effectively bumps this up to Rs 12.75 lakh. But there’s a way to push it even further to Rs 13.7 lakh by using the National ...
Washington will not pursue regime change in Caracas, the US special envoy said, as it seeks the support of Venezuela’s autocratic leadership on deporting undocumented migrants. During his first ...
The concept of ‘New Tax Regime’ was introduced for the first time vide Budget 2020. Post which the taxpayer had two options i.e. either to opt under the new tax regime or to continue under the old tax ...
Raphaëlle de Tappie est journaliste spécialisée en santé et bien-être, et a rejoint Top Santé en juin 2024. Diplômée de l'École Supérieure de Journalisme de Paris avec un Master II en ...
Robert Kennedy Jr. promeut deux aliments qui sont devenus des stars auprès des influenceurs conservateurs.... alors qu'ils sont décriés par les scientifiques. Le ministre de la Santé ...
In the world of MAGA, “regime change” is a dirty phrase, often decried as a policy of the bipartisan establishment that has entangled the United States in endless wars. In 2016, Trump quickly ...
Former military head of state, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB), says overthrowing General Muhammadu Buhari's regime in 1985 was justified. IBB was Buhari's Chief of Army Staff after the latter ...
They should have made an interim appointment to provide a buffer between the old regime and the new one, to give Amorim every chance of success rather than making him live through a season in ...
JERUSALEM — After President Donald Trump announced he was reimposing his maximum economic sanctions pressure campaign on the Islamic Republic of Iran, a high-level Iranian general declared ...