By turning to gratitude, we are lifted up by God’s grace. We are able to see God’s presence and providence everywhere and in ...
Maybe it is a sign of aging, Pope Francis said, but he is increasingly concerned about what kind of world he and his peers ...
Higher education, and the pursuit of knowledge more broadly, can expand the spiritual horizons of the learner, argues Fr. Dan ...
The Catholic Church has been undergoing a long, slow shift, playing out on the timescale of centuries: a shift to distance ...
Abortion has made headlines throughout the 2024 campaign. On April 8, Trump announced that he would leave it up to individual states to outlaw the procedure. In response, the Biden campaign accused ...
God’s Love We Deliver has cooked and delivered over 4.3 million meals to 16,000 clients, children and caregivers.
Pope Francis on Friday slammed both U.S. presidential candidates for what he called anti-life policies on abortion and ...
Several caveats: First, repair is not stagnation or nostalgia (let alone false nostalgia). It is not necessarily a return to ...
For the pro-life movement to achieve its goal of eliminating abortion, it must first help bring about a dramatic change in ...
When novelist/historian Paul Horgan was honored with America Media's Campion Award in 1957, he reflected on the process of ...
Leaders in the movement against abortion in the Archdiocese of Atlanta have guarded optimism that the Atlanta Women’s Center, ...
In June, the small left-wing magazine Jewish Currents summoned its donors and close confederates to a private event in a ...