Among those the Minister interacted with include Bharat Kaushal, MD, Hitachi India; R Dinesh, Executive Chairman, TVS Logistics; Dolf van den Brink, CEO, Heineken; Pradeep Parameswaran ...
Financial Times Dolf van den Brink, CEO and chairman, Heineken PRovoke Media's initial coverage of the Trust Barometer focused on the emergence of“grievance” as a driving force in the global ...
In de podcast ‘Stoere Kerels’ bespreken BD-clubwatchers Dolf van Aert en Job Willemse wekelijks het wel en wee van Willem II. In aflevering 12 gaat het over de thuisnederlaag tegen FC Twente ...
Key business leaders, including Hitachi India MD Bharat Kaushal, TVS Logistics Executive Chairman R Dinesh, Heineken CEO Dolf van den Brink and Uber CEO Pradeep Parameswaran, engaged in discussions.
Tariq Sultan responded positively to our proposals.” Lokesh also met with Dolf van den Brink, CEO of Heineken, to discuss potential investments in beer manufacturing and the FMCG sector in ...
“Business has to bring economic optimism back, reengage with society and politics, and make the case for capitalism,” said Heineken CEO Dolf van den Brink, adding that we need to make it work and that ...
Announcing the third-quarter results, Dolf van den Brink, the chief executive, said: 'Our business continues to deliver in line with our plan in aggregate, despite some markets navigating ...
Sinds Thomas van Groningen de overstap heeft gemaakt naar ... “Het doel is om er over een jaar uit te zien als Dolf Jansen,” grapt hij. Wel wil hij kijkers nog iets meegeven.