El temple va sobreviure guerres i revolucions però es va haver de tancar pel deteriorament de la coberta i més elements ...
L'església barroca de Sant Sever, al barri Gòtic de Barcelona, ha reobert oficialment aquest dilluns després de cinc anys de ...
Exèquies, avui, a la 1 del ... Hospitalet de Llobregat, l' 09/02/2025 Ampliar informació(+) Ha mort als 83 anys. Exèquies, demà, a les 7 del vespre, al tanatori Gran Via de l' Hospitalet de Llobregat.
Even if you're not keen on visiting the touristy Las Ramblas, it's worth making the trek to this tree-lined thoroughfare to reach the foodie heaven that is the Boqueria Market. This was Barcelona ...
Dos manresans militants, Manel Deli i Lourdes Rossinyol, ella filla del carrer de Sant Josep al barri del Poble Nou, i ell, ...
“This will be the key for try to have more potential in the future, during the season, especially to overtake because Joan [Mir] and Johann [Zarco] made a fantastic lap today and they were super ...
Joan Vassos has shared an update on ex Gerry Turner’s cancer, as well the status of their relationship after their split on 2023’s The Golden Bachelor. “I knew about that already. I knew ...
High school basketball: Scores for boys’ and girls’ games across the Southland on Friday, Feb. 7. High school basketball: Scores for boys’ and girls’ games across the Southland on Thursday ...
El FC Barcelona continua treballant en la planificació de la pròxima temporada, i Joan Laporta té al cap una operació que podria fer un gir important a l'atac blaugrana. La directiva del Barça busca ...
You should consider planning a day or two's worth of activities in this town east of Puerto Plata, where you'll find the best kitesurfing and windsurfing beaches, not to mention a smattering of ...
Després de diverses setmanes de seguiment, Joan Laporta ha donat el vistiplau per pagar la seva clàusula de rescissió, fixada en 33 milions d'euros, i assegurar-se l'arribada del talentós extrem del ...