Highlights,Silvercrest Asset Management Group (NASDAQ:SAMG) sees a ratings upgrade to “strong-buy.”,Shares have risen to $17.63 with significant institutional interest.,The firm continues to focus on ...
He was accused of taking photos of the individuals who were poll watching , which he stated he was not. Montero reached out to the Cicero Independiente team. When prompted, he explained that the ...
Cicero’s longest serving town president, Larry Dominick (left), won re-election Tuesday, defeating challenger Esteban Rodriguez (right). Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times (left), Provided (right) Share ...
CICERO, Ill. – Incumbent Cicero Town President Larry Dominick will serve a sixth straight four-year term, defeating Esteban Rodriguez in the primary election Tuesday evening. Dominick received ...
Cicero, N.Y. — A Cicero man faces more than a hundred criminal charges after police said they found him with an illegal weapons cache. The man, George Leroy, 64, had a large number of illegally ...
Cicero President Larry Dominick is facing a primary challenge from Esteban Rodriguez, who has worked for multiple nonprofits and specializes in community outreach, according to his campaign website.
Rodriguez had campaign on flooding issues in Cicero, as well as issues regarding U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and protecting migrants. Just to the west in Berwyn, incumbent Mayor Robert J.
Syracuse, N.Y. – Savannah Tolhurst stood in the center of a ring of Cicero-North Syracuse cheerleaders as the Northstars prepared to go out on the mat in the Section III competitive cheer ...
CICERO, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — A Cicero man was arrested on Feb. 15 following a DWI for illegally possessing firearms and high-capacity magazines. A championship bond: The story of the CNY United ...
In one major race, Cicero will be electing a new town president. Current Town President Larry Dominick, a former member of Cicero Police Department, has been on the job 20 years. He is facing a ...
CICERO, N.Y. — Starting Monday at 7 a.m., South Bay Road in Cicero will be closed to all southbound traffic from East Pine Grove Road to the bridge over I-81. The closure runs from Monday ...
Police responded to the Cicero Hotel in the 4500-block of South Cicero Avenue just before 4:15 a.m. That's near Chicago Midway International Airport. Two men, 21 and 35 years old, and a 17-year ...