Ashley Horton and her family learned to live alongside coyotes after moving to town a little more than two years ago — but in recent weeks, Horton said, these wild canines have come a little too close ...
As if animals crawling into your home wasn’t enough to worry about during the North Texas winter, now is the time you might have to look out for predators roaming around your neighborhood. It is now ...
February, and we’re a few days past the midway-point of winter – between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s ...
During winter and early spring, coyotes hang close to livestock waiting for the opportunity to prey on newborns or gorge on the occasional female that dies giving birth. “Coyotes are like vacuums,” ...
“Today, coyotes are found throughout Indiana, including urban areas,” said Indiana DNR. Coyotes become more active during winter as young coyotes leave their families to find a new home and coyotes ...
Cox said that coyote populations in Kentucky have especially taken hold since the mid-90s, and that any hopes of eradicating them are futile. “They’re here to stay,” he said. Given that winter is ...
Bird feeders are a big attraction for coyotes. They’ll go after the mice and rodents that eat the seed. If you spot one and ...
With winter finally in high gear and many hunting seasons winding down, land managers looking to improve their habitat need seek no farther than programs for hog removal and coyote control.
Plainfield — Ashley Horton and her family learned to live alongside coyotes after moving to town a little more than two years ago — but in recent weeks, Horton said, these wild canines have come a ...
During the winter, coyotes hunt more during the day, since it is warmer. Coyotes will roam anywhere there is food. Even if you do not have a pet, you could still be attracting the predators with ...