Picture: Getty Images “If you look at the rate of participation and the talent coming out of Queensland at the moment … you never say never,” Dillon said when asked about the prospect of a ...
More than 660 state schools will close in Queensland on Thursday and Friday, with the closures spanning from Cooroy in the Noosa region down to the NSW border at Coolangatta.
Authorities are monitoring conditions as the storm approaches, with some island schools offering supervision only.
Courier Mail columnist Des Houghton joined Sky News Australia to discuss the “reassuring” appointment of six former police officers to the Queensland Legislative Assembly. The former police ...
Teens Take Control founder Brenden Wilkins (right) with education co-ordinator Darren Clark (left). Credit: Courtney Kruk The young people who go there are aged 12 to 17. Many have learning ...
The owner of a prestigious Queensland wedding venue has provided a statement after a groundskeeper on the first day of his new job died in a tragic lawnmower accident. Peter Hockey, 54 ...
His death is the subject of a Workplace Health and Safety Queensland investigation. “He started with us on Monday and was friends of a lot of the staff.” Preston Peak Winery is set atop ...
Ed Miliband, the UK's current Energy Secretary, is swiftly cementing his place in history as the modern-day embodiment of King Canute. The legendary tale of Canute, who showed his inability to ...
Jette Beek has been involved in a clinical trial for a new therapy for multiple sclerosis - it helped her temporarily. Clinical trials of transcranial magnetic stimulation are under way at Mater ...