An unedited fight scene from DC’s scrapped Batgirl movie has appeared online, featuring Barbara Gordon kicking some criminal ...
Some new behind-the-scenes footage from the scrapped Batgirl movie has fans hoping that the project might get a "rescue" ...
New stunt footage for the cancelled Batgirl movie reveals the movie was far better than Warner Bros. Discovery made fans ...
While Barbara Gordon is the most famous, having multiple comic book runs and has been adapted into animation, video games, ...
Let's talk Batgirl, the spunky teenaged crime-fighter who is, in reality, Barbara Gordon, the daughter of police Commissioner Gordon. Many fans know Batgirl as the fiery redhead in the purple ...
That said, Barbara Gordon’s Oracle could potentially have the most captivating character development if she was to become Neo-Gotham’s Police Commissioner and fill her father’s shoes.
As a compassionate and caring therapist/coach I collaborate with my clients to focus on positive self acceptance and creating positive changes in their lives. I work with clients to develop an ...