I recently saw Attorney General Russell Coleman’s office announce that they were bringing over $200 million to Kentucky’s public pensions pending the court’s approval of a proposed settlement. As ...
There are six weeks left in the legislative session and just three weeks to get bills passed out of committee. Why it matters ...
Kudos to teacher David Lopilato for sharing his thoughts in Bethesda Today about how to improve safety at Bethesda-Chevy ...
The Marietta Times Regional Spelling Bee took place at the Mid-Ohio Valley Players Theatre on Friday evening. Students from ...
Under Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida's school grading system needs a reality check - HB 1483 takes a step in the right direction.
Daniel Pink’s online column about the flaws of traditional grading argues that our institutions of higher education must change how they assess students. If we truly care about preparing our nation’s ...
Every student should know how to calculate your GPA, or grade point average, on your own. Perhaps you want to know where you ...
Jose Manuel Fernandez, with Opdenergy, has requested a "screening opinion" for a solar farm on land at Redisham Hall Farm in Ringsfield.
The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
I am a hard “no” on the Lincoln County School District’s proposed $73 million “renewal” bond measure slated for a May 20 vote.
Curves on classes can make all the difference when it comes to passing or failing a class. The Exponent talked to professors ...
The St. Louis Board of Education approved a plan starting next fall where students can attend a maximum of one year in three schools with 940 students.