Zionism is built on the promise of saving Jews from the atrocities they endured in the absence of their own state, even when ...
OSWIECIM, Poland (AP) — A U.S.-based organization is transforming the house of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss into a research center devoted to fighting extremism, and is introducing it to ...
Discover the most comprehensive exhibition on Auschwitz ever presented in North America at Cincinnati Museum Center, featuring over 500 original objects.
First, Cohen, with a tour group from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, passed through the infamous “Arbeit Macht ...
More than a million people died at Auschwitz-Birkenau ... and very safe,” she said as she walked with friends near the train station. “When some people come to us they look like this ...
“Auschwitz was awful,” said my grandma ... “This is how my sister and father died – they were on a separate train – we were not together.” The final concentration camp that Lizzy ...
But the family was denounced and later transported to Auschwitz in a cattle train with thousands of other Greek Jews. The Nazi selection process separated Lela from her daughter and husband — the last ...
when one day the Nazis transported her to Auschwitz. "When her cattle car arrived, they said, we have nowhere to put these people, because we can't kill fast enough, and so the train went back to ...
“When I arrived in Auschwitz and got off the train, I saw the pits where human corpses were burned, because the crematoria could not keep up,” Iwanska, a 94-year-old Warsaw-born survivor, told Agence ...
Yes, the barbed wire was cut, and the death marches halted. The Nazi regime was defeated, and Auschwitz—the physical place—was emptied of its prisoners. But the hatred that built it ...
Monday marks Holocaust Memorial Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp complex, where Laks spent more than a year when she was only about 12 years old.
When the children were sent to Auschwitz, Weber volunteered to go with them, taking her young son, Tommy, with her. When she got off the train, someone advised that she get the children to sing ...