DURHAM — A Windham man was charged with harassment and criminal possession of a weapon last week after allegedly beating a man with the victim's own crutches, according to the New York State ...
Union Pacific’s (UP) newest commemorative locomotive will pay tribute to America’s 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, who created the railroad and connected the nation through the transcontinental ...
This was one of the earlier PlayStation 1 board designs that included RCA composite video output ports on the back. Most SCPH-1001’s here in the United States had this board inside. Additionally many ...
/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional ...
You know, for science. The backstory here is that [Great Scott!] is working on a super-secret ATtiny project that needs to be powered off mains. Switching power supplies are practically de rigueur ...
Usually, these sort of amp builds use somewhat esoteric components, but [Rouslan] figured out how to use a simple ATtiny microcontroller to drive a set of MOSFETs. In [Rouslan]’s circuit ...