Unfortunately, this leads to the notion that “my religion is truer than your religion,” giving energy to the kind of ...
With President Trump creating a task force to stamp out anti-Christian bias, what does religious discrimination in the United ...
Christians are called to follow Jesus and reject coercive forms of religious and political power, to live lives of love and ...
The script always had a soul, a second layer — it’s not just about a plot or a story; there’s something deep behind it. It ...
Are these “religious nones” so different from their parents? Are they indeed spiritual but not religious? They are being true ...
How do we respond when atheists point to Christian beliefs that they say are scientifically contradicted and cannot be real ...
Every pantheon belief that you can choose in Civilization VII's Antiquity Age, the starting piece of the new and improved ...
All of that is inevitable, but it becomes dangerous when we mistake religion for God or reduce God to the parameters of ...
All parties are reminded to be careful in expressing their views on religion because freedom of expression is not a ticket or ...
Christianity is by far the largest faith in America, and Christian conservatives have a strong grip on the levers of ...
The deadline to submit items for The Decatur Daily Religion Calendar is 5 p.m. Monday for publication the following Friday. Information, however, may be submitted up to six weeks in ...
Utah clergy voice support for lawsuit opposing Trump administration's move allowing ICE to enter sanctuaries. Despite being a ...