The first 3D scanner I got was the Revopoint MetroX. Although I was entirely new to the technology, I quickly realized its ...
Each of these highlights an important aspect of scanning from the context of part design and 3D printing. The MIRACO is also capable of scanning large objects, though I focus on smaller ones here.
Those who indulge in trading card games know that building the best deck is the key to victory. What exactly that entails is a mystery to us muggles, but keeping track of your cards is a vital ...
Funded in part by multiple C2E2 Grants (Century II Endowed Equipment Fund), the Van Pelt and Opie Library is providing 3D printing orientation and training available to current students, faculty, and ...
Specialising in pregnancy, newborns and pets, they help clients mark the important things in life by creating a 360-degree scan which is then transformed into a unique 3D-printed shelf-sitter ...