美国常驻联合国代表琳达·托马斯-格林菲尔德大使在对外交关系协会的讲话中表示:“世界只会继续发展和变化。因此,(联合国)显然也应该再次发展和变化。” 9月9日,美国印太司令部司令 ...
Phó Thứ trưởng Bộ Lao động Hoa Kỳ Thea Mei Lee cho biết: “Trẻ em ở Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe và Bolivia đang khai thác các khoáng sản quan trọng như coban, đồng, liti, mangan, tantal, ...
Children are dying, suffering from preventable illnesses, missing school. Thousands have lost parents, relatives, teachers, ...
The U.S. is working with the UN and partners to address conflict and crises in places where hundreds of millions of people ...
"For years, countries have been calling for a more inclusive and a more representative Council ... and better responds to the ...
"The fastest way towards peace is for Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine and for it to stop its aerial assault," said ...
Over three months have passed since Houthi militants rounded up scores of United Nations staff, all of whom were working to bring life-saving assistance to the Yemeni people at the time of their ...
미국 정부의 견해를 반영하는 논평입니다. 2022년 2월 러시아 군이 우크라이나를 침공하자 열흘 만에 미국은 우크라이나의 주권과 영토 보전을 침해하거나 우크라이나 국민의 재산을 훔친 ...
For the sake of “the integrity of the international non-proliferation architecture and ultimately global security,” said a ...
"As we seek to accelerate the development of clean energy supply chains, we must simultaneously put in place enforceable ...
“This development and the growing cooperation between Russia and Iran threatens European security and demonstrates how Iran’s destabilizing influence reaches far beyond the Middle East,” said ...