“Hard Truths” follows the lives of Pansy ( Marianne Jean-Baptiste ), a depressed, confrontational woman who struggles with ...
The new film from Mike Leigh proves the 81 year-old is still a master of British realist cinema. The opening scene of Mike ...
Marianne Jean-Baptiste puts in a towering performance as the bitter, angry and ultimately unknowable heroine of Hard Truths, ...
But for every movie like “Citizen Kane” that gets nominated but doesn’t quite manage to take home the trophy, there’s the ...
Mike Leigh’s new film Hard Truths stars Marianne Jean-Baptiste as a bitter Londoner. CBC’s senior entertainment reporter Eli ...
Marianne Jean-Baptiste, 57, was born in south London and trained at Rada. Her breakthrough role was in Mike Leigh’s 1995 film ...
Hard Truths is a character study of one of the most acerbic, angry, verbally abusive, and ultimately hurt characters put to film in 2024. But because she is so negative, it is difficult to ...
With Hard Truths, we may have another title for the pile. It's a surprising addition given the subject matter — no war crimes, flyblown corpses or sewn-up bear carcasses are to be found in ...
But for Pansy Deacon, the protagonist of the writer-director Mike Leigh’s sublime Hard Truths, self-defense is more of a default mode. Played by the excellent Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Pansy is an ...
‘Hard Truths’ follows a woman incapable of pleasant or even neutral interactions with anyone, including her family. Most families have that one member that can be frustrating to love — maybe ...
Like nearly all Leigh's films, Hard Truths emerged from a rigorous months-long workshop process, in which the director worked closely with his actors to create their characters from scratch.