POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
A new study found that chomping on wooden medical tongue depressors for five minutes can increase levels of glutathione (GSH) ...
For people with misophonia, everyday sounds like chewing and slurping can cause extreme distress. Experts say this is a ...
That stick of gum does more than freshen breath. It affects hunger digestion jaw shape stress hormones and even brain ...
Did you know chewing guava leaves can boost digestion, control blood sugar, and improve skin health? Discover the top ...
Higher brain GSH levels from wood-chewing were directly correlated with better memory performance in healthy young adults. Incorporating foods that require more vigorous chewing might be a simple way ...
Chewing harder materials like wooden sticks can boost brain glutathione levels and improve memory performance, according to South Korean research.
Your habit of absentmindedly chewing on ice after finishing your drink could indicate more than boredom. According to experts ...
Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan is celebrating his 60th birthday today. Read further to learn some interesting facts about the ...
If you've been knocking on wood hoping that your cognitive skills will stay sharp your whole life, you might consider chewing that wood instead.
Like humans, sometimes dogs bite their nails. This can be for a number of reasons, from grooming to a medical issue, and many ...