Friends of Big Bear Valley announced the pipping news on Facebook​ late Thursday morning. "Today at 10:21 we spotted Pip ...
Fly Eagles fly! Eagle parents Jackie and Shadow were seen on a highly viewed live feed nurturing two newly hatched chicks ...
Bald eagle mates Jackie and Shadow watched closely as the first of two chicks began to hatch after nearly three years without ...
Big Bear's beloved bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, have welcomed eaglets into the world! Watch live as the proud parents keep a close eye on their babies.
Jackie and Shadow are the most famous bald eagles thanks to a live web camera operated by “Friends of Big Bear Valley.” ...
As Jackie keeps her two eaglets warm, Friends of Big Bear Valley said Thursday morning that there is not a confirmed pip yet in the third egg. "We continue to wait and watch." ...
The Friends of Big Bear Valley nonprofit announced on Tuesday, March 5, that the two famous bald eagles, Jackie and Shadow, ...
The bald eagle couple have two chicks and a third egg in their nest, which is now blanketed in snow. Experts say they should ...
In this video, Bald Eagles Jackie and Shadow welcome their second chick this year in Big Bear Valley, California. (Courtesy: Friends of Big Bear Valley) ...
Readers delight in welcoming the offspring of Big Bear bald eagles Jackie and Shadow. For one, the eaglets are 'a symbol of a better future.' ...
After Big Bear added two bald eagles earlier this week, a third eaglet is on its way. The third egg has a visible pip, or crack in the shell created by the young bird inside trying to make its way ...
Now all eyes turn to the third egg to see if it develops a pip, the first hole an eaglet makes as it emerges from its shell.