Welche innovativen Motoren finden 2025 ihren Einzug in den E-Bike-Markt? Ein YouTuber stellt mögliche zukünftige ...
German bike maker Ponomarets has launched a gorgeous carbon road bike called the Eidolon. Riding with a lightweight motor and ...
Designed for all styles and types of riding, the Z20 Pro Evo is the younger, higher-tech, and more convenient sibling of the ...
„Noch nie befand sich unsere Branche so klar inmitten des perfekten Sturms“, sagte der ZF-Vorstandschef mit Blick auf schwache Märkte, bürokratische Lasten, Unklarheit bei ...
The e-bike players introduce new models all the time, and these are priced between $1,899 and $4,000. The best are not always ...
So gut ist der Hyundai Inster Porsche bringt neues E-Bike: Der Preis lässt uns schlucken 12 Jahre altes E-Auto verliert Reichweite: Besitzer staunt über Werkstatt-Rechnung Besser Finger weg ...
Both Brembo and ZF are preparing a new, revolutionary brake-by-wire that uses electric motors to slow down your car.
Electric bikes have become an increasingly popular mode of transportation in recent years, offering a blend of convenience, ...
This e-bike is built out of carbon fiber and powered by the Mahle X20 system for a purist and clean look and experience; it's ...
Ponomarets Bikes, a German e-bike company based in Dresden, was founded in 2022 with a single mission: to build the world’s lightest bespoke e-bike. The result is the Eidolon, a sub-22-pound, ...