Curtis Kohlhaas, who has served President Jimmy Carter for over 20 years, said that just as the Centre has grown to be a ...
It really has fostered a sense of environmental responsibility in our community,” said one village council member.
One local council has employed the wriggly, worm-like creatures and their insatiable hunger as part of a push for sustainable ...
These in-situ vermicomposts are beautifully clean, self-contained systems that need little or no maintenance and provide ...
Napier City and Hastings District have adopted the Draft Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, which aims to ensure ...
Envision a medium-sized cruise ship at Napier Port brimming with plastics and glass. That’s how much was dumped in Hawke’s ...
Running the collection trucks was expensive and there were “obvious issues” with keeping food scraps in a bin for a week, ...
One evening in early March, Nina Ansari frowns as she picks up an untouched plate of rice left on the floor of the masjid she ...
Transforming kitchen scraps and garden waste into organic homemade compost couldn't be easier with these clever DIY solutions ...
The village of Pinecrest has launched an innovative effort to do just that. The pilot project converts food scraps into ...
Only collect washed-up seaweed, never cut living seaweed, and give it a rinse with your garden hose once you’re home. Add ...