Bernard Moses had been ferrying passengers around Chicagoland as an Uber driver. After dropping off his umpteenth passenger ...
A Reno family is raising concerns about the safety of Uber's ride-sharing service for teenagers after a harrowing incident ...
Gabriel gained a reputation the past few years as the “Skittles” lawmaker. His 2023 law banned four chemicals (like ...
The program will eventually expand its coverage area. If any issues come up, 24/7 customer service is available, both inside ...
Robert Corcoran, 61, of West Chester, was arrested on indecent assault and harassment charges in connection with the Feb. 10 ...
A West Chester man who worked as an Uber driver is accused of groping a female passenger during a ride share trip in Whitpain ...
The city of Ionia is looking for input on how people would use a new microtransit service that will come to the area later ...
The Montgomery County District Attorney's Office said Robert Corcoran groped and made explicit comments to a passenger.
A Pennsylvania Uber driver is accused of groping a female passenger and following her up to her home, where police say he tried to hug and kiss her.
This past January, the Vancouver resident had her car serviced and says her dealership requested an Uber to pick her up at her home.
It's only 15 minutes after that I realise this code was my Uber account password reset code!” The user expressed concern that ...