BBC investigation reveals UK waste tyres are illegally burned in India, causing severe health and environmental damage.
As southwest Detroit residents wonder which lost items the city will cover and reimburse, the city makes belt tightening moves to absorb the cost.
Leaked documents have revealed how the oil and gas industry has funded advocacy groups to influence lawmakers.
As winter temperatures plummet across the region, many homeowners are discovering that quality furnace installation service ...
Kuhns contacted Barron Heating AC Electrical & Plumbing – almost as old as the furnace since the company was founded in 1972.
DETROIT (WXYZ) — Water heaters and furnaces have been installed in five homes in southwest Detroit after delays, but the city isn’t as far along in the process as ...
As the cleanup continues from the massive water main break in southwest Detroit, the city is now replacing water heaters and furnaces that were affected by the flooding caused when the break happened.