Rep. Ken King introduces a bill to make the tomahawk rib-eye the official steak of Texas, sparking a flavorful debate with ...
Texas House Rep. Ken King has submitted a bill that would designate the tomahawk rib-eye as the state’s official steak. Coverage like this is very rare, but we have an obligation to deliver the ...
Inspired by and modeled after Taste of the NFL, the Super Bowl's largest philanthropic event most recently held at Super Bowl ...
Should the New York strip steak be renamed the "Texas Strip" and take on the "official State Steak of Texas" honor? Or what ...
Dudley is a certified master butcher, a virtuoso when it comes to optimal preparation of raw beef, pork, venison, lamb, and ...
Following through on Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s pledge to rename the “New York Strip Steak” the “Texas Strip Steak,” concurrent ...
Conflicts across the Texas Capitol rotunda are not rare, and legislative sessions ... but would honor the tomahawk ribeye over the strip — "an objectively inferior cut of meat," he said.