TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Prop 414 would have given the City of Tucson about $800 million dollars over ten years through a half-cent sales tax. After voters rejected it on Tuesday, the City of ...
Ryan worked with city leaders and the Tucson Police Department on the things that would have been included in Prop 414, a proposed half-cent sales tax increase. However, it didn’t pass.
Proposition 414, the Safe & Vibrant City ballot measure, asked Tucsonans to vote on raising the city’s sales tax from 2.6% to 3.1%. City officials tout the measure as an effort to fund critical ...
The smallest of the five categories in Tucson’s Prop. 414 — Technology Investments — only has three police-related things it would pay for if voters approve a 10-year increase in the city ...
TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) — What is next for the City of Tucson after Proposition 414 was rejected by voters on Tuesday? News 4 Tucson reached out to a Tucson City Council member to see what ideas ...
414. The measure, called “Safe & Vibrant City,” is currently before city voters. It would add a half-cent to the city’s current 8.7% sales tax over the next 10 years. The proposition is ...
Um acidente deixou duas pessoas mortas e outras duas feridas na BR-414, na altura do quilômetro 429, no município de Abadiânia, no Entorno do Distrito Federal, conforme informações da ...
Os motoristas das caminhonetes que morreram em um acidente na BR-414, em Abadiânia, no Entorno do DF, foram identificados. Segundo a Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF), as causas do acidente ...
View the agent price guide. Welcome to this beautifully presented three-bedroom townhouse located at the back of the property at 4/414 Middleborough Road, Blackburn. Offering the perfect blend ...
While Cunningham said he will seek ways to maintain services, he said residents likely won’t lose services overnight as a result of voters rejecting Prop 414. “It will be pretty nuanced at first. I ...
Na noite de quinta-feira (20) um grave acidente deixou duas pessoas mortas e dois feridos na BR-414 em Abadiânia, cidade localizada a 89 quilômetros de Goiânia. Segundo informações, o acidente ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I. — Mixed doubles curling is providing an opportunity for two household names in Canada to continue their ...