Those unacquainted with Japanese cuisine will likely be quick to believe that few foods go together quite as well as sushi and sake. As two popular exports from Japan, non-Japanese people often ...
Chef Tim Ma has added a cool factor to the DC area’s Chinese-American dining scene with his hit Lucky Danger. Now, he’s ...
Here’s everything you need to know about sushi, from its different types, how to select the best fish, what to pair it with ...
PHOENIX — Blue Sushi Sake Grill has expanded to Surprise after opening a Tempe location in January. The new restaurant, located at the open-air Village at Prasada near the Loop 303 between Cactus and ...
Regarding the eats at this event, Dassai Blue Sake Brewery will be serving freshly prepared sushi on both days. On Saturday, Misto Food Truck from Red Hook will be there with a special menu.
Sake Week starts on Thursday, March 20 with a sake pairing dinner at Profound Farms at 6 p.m. and tickets are available now ...