States primarily growing water-intensive crops have more depleted soil, with lower levels of macro and micronutrients like ...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that air pollution remains one of the most severe global health threats, ...
When compared to automotive industry standards in various countries, Indonesia remains behind in adopting Euro standards.
Part of human nature, it seems, is a Narcissus-like desire to gaze at shimmering surfaces that return our reflection and ...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that air pollution remains one of the most severe global health threats, ...
Shark teeth from museum jaws can now reveal what sharks ate decades ago. New research shows preservation chemicals don’t ...
Arizona lawmakers want to outlaw the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere to reduce heat. The practice known as ...
They call it range anxiety, the fear that an electric vehicle could run out of juice, say somewhere south of Yeehaw Junction ...
"We wanted to synthesize these global data resources to see what environmental factors shape biodiversity." Scientists ...
Congratulations are in order for these four businessmen who received promotions at Brookshire Brothers' Corporate Office.
Emerging battery technologies using food-based acids could make lithium-ion batteries more efficient, affordable and ...
Scientists have decoded the metabolic strategies of certain sulfur bacteria. A new study reports that the bacteria are found worldwide and have a complex metabolism with modular features.