Di dalam rumah itu ada dua kamar. Zaima menghuni kamar depan. Sementara kamar belakang kosong kumuh. Di ruang tamu masih ada sofa tempat duduk warna merah. Kondisinya sudah kumuh. Begitu juga dengan ...
You’re not imagining it: It’s a confusing time to buy a couch. Classic brands and DTC companies make great sofas and terrible sofas, which often look quite similar. And although manufacturers ...
Two things can be true at once: Sleeper sofas are a feat of engineering, and they can be the bane of your existence. It’s a marvel to fit a frame and mattress for a bulky piece of furniture ...
This is a sofa that forces you to lounge. You really sink down into it. That works for the context of this story, but it doesn’t work for your front parlor. Stick this thing in front of a TV or ...
If you’re looking for something more traditional to create a formal seating arrangement in a family room or a super-comfy, family-friendly modular sofa for pet cuddles and movie nights ...
Yes, sleeper sofas are still a thing—but if a creaky contraption with lumpy springs comes to mind, then your idea of one is as dusty as the pull-out mattress in your memory. Admittedly ...
Pemilihan jenis toilet, apakah jongkok atau duduk, ternyata berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan, terutama dalam kelancaran buang air besar (BAB). Menurut para ahli, toilet jongkok lebih direkomendasikan ...
Sebanyak 57.022 tempat duduk juga disediakan untuk melayani para penumpang dari dan ke sejumlah stasiun di wilayah Daop 9 Jember yang membentang dari Kabupaten Pasuruan hingga Kabupaten Banyuwangi ...
Setiap hari terdapat 8.146 tempat duduk kereta api bisa dipesan selama libur panjang Isra Mikraj dan Tahun Baru Imlek akhir Januari 2025. TEMPO.CO, Jember - PT KAI Daop 9 Jember menyiapkan 24 ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Sosok Sekretaris Kabinet Teddy Indra Wijaya atau Mayor Teddy dan pemilik Agung Sedayu Group (ASG) Sugianto Kusuma alias Aguan viral di media sosial karena sebuah video. "Beliau ...
When it comes to creating a living space that’s functional and inviting, a corner sofa ticks a lot of boxes. These expansive L-shaped settees have become a staple in modern interiors ...
We tested this year’s best click-clack and pull-out sofa beds, so that you always have somewhere for visitors to sleep This article contains affiliate links. The products or services listed have ...