Many young people believe that baby boomers are out of touch and lacking self-awareness. Julia Peters, a content creator and ...
Gorillas may have greater self-awareness than scientists previously thought. A new study finds that gorillas perform just as ...
People who misguidedly argue that they're self-aware, but are truly just battling a superiority complex or self-righteousness ...
How do you do language?” Toni Morrison asked that question, suggesting that how we use and interact with language reflects the quality and depth of our lives. "Therefore, we need to be hyper-aware of ...
New research suggests gorillas may be just as self-aware as chimpanzees, despite struggling with the mirror test.
In our daily lives we often encounter people who confidently assert their knowledge on subjects they barely understand. This ...
Knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial for serious leadership, but neither Ottawa nor Washington appear able to ...
Discover the common mental justifications we create after drinking too much alcohol, from swearing off drinking forever to ...
Your signature might reveal more about you than you realize. Signatures can be both creative and insightful, offering a glimpse ...
Teachers and school leaders can demonstrate valuable social and emotional learning skills through their actions.
Believe it or not, self-orgasms can provide a sense of confidence and reinforce a sense of pleasure worthiness.
The phrase "hurt people hurt people" carries profound truth, emerging regularly in discussions about relationships, trauma ...