In this six-part series, we'll give you quick exercises for different body parts every week to help you stay limber.
Here are 13 of my favorite shoulder stretches that you can use to create length, relief, and increased mobility in the shoulders. These moves will also help to improve your posture – something ...
Sit up straight, then gently roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion for a few seconds. Afterwards, switch it up and ...
As it covers so much space, it can cause neck, shoulder and upper back discomfort, which is why this stretch can be so beneficial,” explains Witmond. Find a comfortable seated position with your ...
Here, Kayode has shared his eight favourite stretches to combat all that sitting, whether you’re ... This is good for tension relief, headaches, shoulder pain, and people who spend a lot of ...
From using your arms to get up from a seated position to picking up a bag of groceries, or even picking up your grandkids, maintaining strength in your arms and shoulders ...