Giant deep-sea spider spotted crawling on ocean floor near Antarctica - Researchers suspect species grows so large partly due ...
Molecular cloaking mechanism unveils the iconic partnership between anemonefish and anemones. The symbiotic relationship ...
Biological sciences researchers from the U of A have led the publication of a paper that expands our understanding of sensory ...
Living symbiotically with sea anemones that shelter them from predators, the fish drive away organisms that nibble at their hosts. Anemonefish have also shown they will provide their hosts with ...
Among other things, it highlighted the symbiotic relationship between clownfish and their sea anemone hosts — where the anemone’s sting protects the fish from predators, and in return, the fish help ...
tentacled sea creature was a new invasive species. Their findings were published earlier this month by Cambridge University Press. The next step is to map beadlet anemone sightings. Researchers ...
ASIA: The natural world continues to surprise us, and nowhere is this more evident than in the diverse ecosystems of ASEAN.
Their searches focused on the widespread sea animal Parazoanthus axinellae, or the yellow cluster anemone, the study said. Despite their misleading name, yellow cluster anemones are not sea ...
A new article expands our understanding of sensory neurons in the tentacles of sea anemones, linking them to kidney disease in humans through a common gene. Biological sciences researchers from ...